Data Analysis Tools And Software for Enhanced Evidence and Decisions

Pn Automation, Inc. is the DataSEED Contract Holder

USAID Data Analysis Tools And Software for Enhanced Evidence and Decisions (DataSEED): The USAID Data Services team operates as a part of the Bureau for Management, Office of the Chief Information Officer (M/CIO).  The work constitutes the deliverables, and details the tasks, assumptions, resources needed, and schedule for the USAID Data Services team to assist the M/CIO Development Information Solutions (DIS) Data Tools team with Data Analysis Tools And Software for Enhanced Evidence and Decisions. The BPA enables operating units around the world to procure advanced software, training and support services to meet specialized data management needs across the Agency.

DataSEED Contract
Contract: 72MC1020A00001
Ordering period: July 16, 2020 - July 15, 2023

Pn Automation information
Program Manager: Ronald Pawlowski
Cell Phone: (410)218-4978
DUNS: 18-4174394

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