The US Army Mobile Application

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The US Army News and Information Application is the Official News and Information Application for the US Army.

Army Mobile News and Information

The Army Mobile Application is provides ways for the US Army to easily interact with their News, Social, and Fitness Information. It is the Official App for the US Army that allows consumption of multiple kinds of Information Including photos, news, videos, announcements, and more. The App organizes, caches and displays information to the users using modern UI and UX implementations in order to improve the quality and efficiency of the consumption of the Information to the Users of the application.

Fitness Tracking

The US Army Mobile Application provides the Ability to track fitness information using the following tools:

  • PFT Calculator
  • Metronome
  • Body Height-Weight Data
  • Body Fat Percentage

Social Data

The Social Page shows the Army Social feeds from various sources:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Flickr
  • Youtube

Favoriting and Sharing

Users of the US Army News and Information Application can enjoy features like favoriting and sharing content that they find interesting or would like to look at on another date and time.

Download on the Google Play Store, Apple Store,


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